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 The Original Source Book on Body Alkalinity and Taking Control Of It.

 Do you know the color of the transmission fluid in your car? 

You could know it if you checked it. 

If you don't check, you don't know.

Do you know the underlying similarity of all sick people?  I tell you it in the book, 344 pages.

Most people don't have the know-how or ability to write a booklet, Jumper Publications can help you with this.

Your booklet will be available on Amazon.com and Kindle, and the potential impact on future generations is unlimited. 

Why leave behind a faded memory when you can publish your legacy, or assist your loved-one to publish theirs.

Share Your Legacy

*Half-Price Limited-Time Offer

For $500*, your booklet will be published on Amazon.com, available for purchase in paperback from their website. 

You can purchase copies for about $2.15 per copy, plus shipping and tax, and make them available on a table at the funeral.

Or, the attendees can download a digital copy for free from Kindle, onto their tablet or smartphone.

To get started, click here to email JPM

Your loved-one's legacy is waiting...